July 2021 blog
Don't forget to take Time Out
Even if you don't manage to get away for your summer break, don't forget to take some time out for yourself. I'm going to try to listen to my own advice here and have a couple of days away from the salon to recharge this month. I might try to rediscover Southport - I can't remember the last time I walked along the beach or walked in the pinewoods.
We're finally getting back into the swing of things at the salon and it now feels like we've never been away ~ We're loving it!
Thanks if you've given a review recently. I've had multiple new clients this month who have said they chose Fusion because of online reviews. It's really impacting our little business.
Thanks also to those clients that have kept us safe by letting us know when there's been a risk of their being in contact with a covid-infected person. We know it's difficult to stay away from the salon, especially when you're not testing positive yourself, but we sincerely thank you for your vigilance in self-isolating. We are very aware that it could just take one infected person to shut us down again.
This month's newsletter brings you info' about our newly launched online shop and some new products and services that will hopefully keep you body beautiful for these summer months. Learn how to dry brush your skin and discover facts about SPF products.
Enjoy and I hope to see you soon
Lisa x
Massage / Skin therapy /
Facial muscle lifting /
Hair loss treatment /
Nail strengthening /
Blemish removal /
Pedicure / Waxing /
Lash & Brow lifting & tinting / Microneedling / Skin peels

Introducing Carboxy
Face & Eye treatment
The Carboxy face and eye treatment is a non-invasive treatment during which carbon dioxide gas is infused into the skin to encourage an increased flow of oxygen. This minimally invasive treatment can offer long lasting skin improvements such as:
Reduction of dark under-eye circles
Tissue tightening
Skin brightening
Elastin stimulation
Skin regeneration
Improvement in circulation
Improved lymphoid drainage
Click the pic to
Massage Corner -
Dry Brushing at Home
With its multiple benefits, dry brushing is making a big comeback
Your skin is your largest organ, so it deserves to be tended to properly. In our quest for optimum skin health we often focus on the face alone without giving much of a second thought for what we put on and do to the skin of our body.
What is Dry Skin Brushing?
It’s pretty much how it sounds. Using special hand-held brushes on dry skin to bring about a range of benefits. The brushes are made with bristles that are rigid enough to bring about benefits without causing micro-tears in your skin or causing damage.
So, what’s the big deal?
It’s easy and affordable to get started with. You just need to follow a couple of instructions for treatment to not only improve the appearance and feel of your skin, but have benefits on the deeper structures and systems of your body.
Depending on where you apply Dry Skin Brushing you can expect the following…
Pore cleansing
Improved skin condition and appearance
Cellulite reducing
Improved blood circulation
Reduced water retention
Mood lifting
Click the pic to read on and order yours...
Skin Focus
- SPF facts & myths
SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor and relates the level of protection against the effects of UV (ultra violet) light: skin damage, pigmentation, ageing. Here are some facts and myths about SPFs.
FACT - There are two types of sunscreen: chemical and physical.
Chemical SPFs are easier to apply, don't tend to leave a residue on the skin and contain ingredients which absorb harmful radiation and dissipate it.
Physical SPFs work like a shield by sitting on the surface of the skin and, with help from ingredients such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, deflect the sun’s harmful rays.
You wont tan if you wear sunscreen
MYTH - Even if you apply sunscreen repeatedly while being in the sun, you will still get tan. If you don’t want to tan, using physical UV protection by covering up is more effective than sunscreen.
FACT - SPF products should be thrown out as soon as they pass their use by date because the chemicals in SPF products that block the sun decompose, making it ineffective.
The higher the SPF number the less often you need to reapply
MYTH - The SPF number relates to the level of protection but even SPF50 products need to be reapplied every couple of hours to ensure good sun protection.
If you are looking for a high quality SPF that is fine enough for your face, wont block your pores or irritate your skin and offers high SPF50 protection, Epionce Ultra Shield is a great choice. Available online or you can order through Fusion-Southport for a lower cost.
Click the pic to order Epionce SPF50...
July 2021 blog
Don't forget to take Time Out
Even if you don't manage to get away for your summer break, don't forget to take some time out for yourself. I'm going to try to listen to my own advice here and have a couple of days away from the salon to recharge this month. I might try to rediscover Southport - I can't remember the last time I walked along the beach or walked in the pinewoods.
We're finally getting back into the swing of things at the salon and it now feels like we've never been away ~ We're loving it!
Thanks if you've given a review recently. I've had multiple new clients this month who have said they chose Fusion because of online reviews. It's really impacting our little business.
Thanks also to those clients that have kept us safe by letting us know when there's been a risk of their being in contact with a covid-infected person. We know it's difficult to stay away from the salon, especially when you're not testing positive yourself, but we sincerely thank you for your vigilance in self-isolating. We are very aware that it could just take one infected person to shut us down again.
This month's newsletter brings you info' about our newly launched online shop and some new products and services that will hopefully keep you body beautiful for these summer months. Learn how to dry brush your skin and discover facts about SPF products.
Enjoy and I hope to see you soon
Lisa x
Massage / Skin therapy /
Facial muscle lifting /
Hair loss treatment /
Nail strengthening /
Blemish removal /
Pedicure / Waxing /
Lash & Brow lifting & tinting / Microneedling / Skin peels

Introducing Carboxy
Face & Eye treatment
The Carboxy face and eye treatment is a non-invasive treatment during which carbon dioxide gas is infused into the skin to encourage an increased flow of oxygen. This minimally invasive treatment can offer long lasting skin improvements such as:
Reduction of dark under-eye circles
Tissue tightening
Skin brightening
Elastin stimulation
Skin regeneration
Improvement in circulation
Improved lymphoid drainage
Click the pic to
Massage Corner -
Dry Brushing at Home
With its multiple benefits, dry brushing is making a big comeback
Your skin is your largest organ, so it deserves to be tended to properly. In our quest for optimum skin health we often focus on the face alone without giving much of a second thought for what we put on and do to the skin of our body.
What is Dry Skin Brushing?
It’s pretty much how it sounds. Using special hand-held brushes on dry skin to bring about a range of benefits. The brushes are made with bristles that are rigid enough to bring about benefits without causing micro-tears in your skin or causing damage.
So, what’s the big deal?
It’s easy and affordable to get started with. You just need to follow a couple of instructions for treatment to not only improve the appearance and feel of your skin, but have benefits on the deeper structures and systems of your body.
Depending on where you apply Dry Skin Brushing you can expect the following…
Pore cleansing
Improved skin condition and appearance
Cellulite reducing
Improved blood circulation
Reduced water retention
Mood lifting
Click the pic to read on and order yours...
Skin Focus
- SPF facts & myths
SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor and relates the level of protection against the effects of UV (ultra violet) light: skin damage, pigmentation, ageing. Here are some facts and myths about SPFs.
FACT - There are two types of sunscreen: chemical and physical.
Chemical SPFs are easier to apply, don't tend to leave a residue on the skin and contain ingredients which absorb harmful radiation and dissipate it.
Physical SPFs work like a shield by sitting on the surface of the skin and, with help from ingredients such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, deflect the sun’s harmful rays.
You wont tan if you wear sunscreen
MYTH - Even if you apply sunscreen repeatedly while being in the sun, you will still get tan. If you don’t want to tan, using physical UV protection by covering up is more effective than sunscreen.
FACT - SPF products should be thrown out as soon as they pass their use by date because the chemicals in SPF products that block the sun decompose, making it ineffective.
The higher the SPF number the less often you need to reapply
MYTH - The SPF number relates to the level of protection but even SPF50 products need to be reapplied every couple of hours to ensure good sun protection.
If you are looking for a high quality SPF that is fine enough for your face, wont block your pores or irritate your skin and offers high SPF50 protection, Epionce Ultra Shield is a great choice. Available online or you can order through Fusion-Southport for a lower cost.
Click the pic to order Epionce SPF50...
October 2021 blog
This month's blog has turned pink in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness month. We will be supporting Breast Cancer Now - the research and care charity.
Bringing you tips for improving your foot health, introducing some new treatments, and a few goodies amongst other pink things, I hope you find something of interest and use in this month's blog.
It would be great if you could share something from this month's blog with a friend, relative or your workmates which promotes breast cancer awareness... you never know - it may save a life.
If you're visiting the salon we have a pink pot on reception for your cash donations.
Support a charity by
doing some relaxing!
I'll be donating my salon tips from Oct plus 10% of my takings for massage, reflexology, Indian head massage or ear acupuncture on Fri 22nd Oct (Pink Day) and Sat 23rd Oct. I think it's a fantastic idea to support a charity through receiving relaxation and pampering
Plus Zena will be donating her tips from 22nd and 23rd Oct.
If you would like to make a donation directly to Breast Cancer Now charity just click the pic below.
Hope to see you very soon
Lisa x
Massage / Skin therapy /
Facial muscle lifting /
Hair loss treatment /
Nail strengthening /
Blemish removal /
Pedicure / Waxing /
Lash & Brow lifting & tinting / Microneedling / Skin peels /
Clinical foot health service /
Gel nail extensions /
BIAB - Builder in a bottle
October Offers
Book a massage, reflexology, Indian head massage or ear acupuncture treatment with Lisa on Fri 22nd or Sat 23rd Oct to donate 10% of your bill to support to breast cancer charities
Buy a dermatonics foot treatment cream (available in store) during Oct 2021 and get the cost deducted from your next foot health appointment, with Viktoriya (limited to one product refund per customer)
Click the pic to book online
Foot Health Clinic -
Tips for Healthy Feet
Our resident foot health specialist, Viktoriya shares her top tips for improving the health of your feet...
Keep your feet moving. Walking is perfect exercise for all ages, it improves blood circulation and encourages a good range of movement in the joints.
Wear socks. Wearing shoes without socks causes friction in the skin which can lead to foot disorders.
Rotate your shoes. Try not to wear the same shoes two days in a row to minimise chances of developing a fungal infection.
Wash your feet every day in warm soapy water. Benefit further by adding a table spoon of salt and few drops of tea tree oil to a foot bath.
Cut toenails straight across to prevent ingrown toenails.
Apply moisturiser daily to dry skin avoiding in between toes.
Viktoriya is available every Friday
from early till late to help with your foot health concerns.
Call, message or click photo to book your free foot health check...
The Big Pink Quiz
Raise a few quid while you have some fun with friends, family or work mates.
Take The Big Pink Quiz challenge and have your brainiacs wager who has the pinkest brain.
Donate your money through Fusion's collection and I'll send your winner a pink certificate celebrating their pinkology! Just message us to donate and get your certificate.
Click the pic to access the quiz...
Fusion remains
cash friendly
A massive shift towards online shopping over the last year and scare stories about the safety of cash handling prompting some businesses to go completely cashless have led to a huge drop in cash usage. Research has found that 34% of consumers reported being unable to pay with cash at least once when trying to buy something since coronavirus restrictions were first introduced.
We want to make sure that our clients who are not ready or able to give up cash are not left in a position where they can’t pay with notes and coins. As a small business we have to pay a fee to our card payment service provider so we are always grateful when you opt to pay cash.
If you feel strongly about your continued right to use cash please consider signing the Which? petition.
Click the pic to access the online petition